1. What is Virtualization
Ans. Virtualization is an abstraction layer that decouples the physical hardware from the operating system to deliver greater IT resource utilization and flexibility. Virtualization allows multiple virtual machines, with heterogeneous operating systems to run in isolation, side-by-side on the same physical machine. Each virtual machine has its own set of virtual hardware (e.g., RAM, CPU, NIC, etc.) upon which an operating system and applications are loaded. The operating system sees a consistent, normalized set of hardware regardless of the actual physical hardware components
2. What is Hypervisor
Ans. A hypervisor, sometimes referred to as a virtualization manager, is a program that allows multiple operating systems, which can include different operating systems or multiple instances of the same operating system, to share a single hardware processor. A hypervisor must be designed for a particular processor architecture, such as the PowerPC or Intel's x86 processor. Each operating system appears to have the processor, memory, and other resources all to itself. However, the hypervisor actually controls the real processor and its resources, allocating what is needed to each operating system in turn.
Because an operating system is often used to run a particular application or set of applications in a dedicated hardware server, the use of a hypervisor can make it possible to run multiple operating systems (and their applications) in a single server, reducing overall hardware costs. Production and test systems can run at the same time in the same hardware. In addition, with a hypervisor such as the one recently discussed by Microsoft, different operating systems such as Windows and Linux can share the same server
3. How ESX do the Virtualization
4. What is Emulation
5. What is the difference between emulation and virtualization
Emulation is providing your user with a complete model of your emulated system for their use, requiring every little thing to be translated between your host and your target environments.
Virtualization is a way of exposing the "virtualized" object for shared use, in other (very loose) words, dividing the resources of your host computer into many "virtual copies" of those resources, fooling the user of each virtual copy of the host into believing that they are running on a "real" machine and have the whole machine to themselves.
In emulation the virtual machine simulates the complete hardware in software. This allows an operating system for one computer architecture to be run on the architecture that the emulator is written for.
6. What is Service Console
To access the ESX base operating system. ESX will interact with the
Hardware directly and SC will access the ESX in order to get the access to the hardware.
7. Is SC can be called as ESX
Ans. No Sc is merely an access point of ESX; mainly a interface of it.8. How SC connects to the Hardware
Ans. SC mainly uses ESX to access the physical hardware layer
9. Can you VMotion the images.
Ans. No we can only VMotion the instances not the images.
10. Can you power on a template.
11. How a VC communicate with the ESX
mgmt-vmware is just a simple script that starts up hostd and vpxa. hostd
is an app that runs in the Service Console that is responsible for
managing most of the operations on the ESX machine. It knows about all the VMs that are registered on that host, the luns/vmfs volumes visible by the host, what the VMs are doing, etc. Most all commands or operations come down from VC through it. ie, powering on a VM, vmotion'ing it, creating it, etc. vpxa also runs on the Service Console and talks to VC. I believe it acts as an intermediary between VC and hostd. I think it also does some housekeeping on the ESX host, but not as much as hostd. vpxa also runs on the Service Console and talks to VC. vpxa stands for Virtual Center Agent.
vpxalogging can be modified with vpxa.cfg/etc/vmware/vpxa.cfg
Restart required for changes to take effect. service vmware-vpxa
restart is the command to restarst the vpxa.
So VC will communicate to the hostd that is in ESX via vpxa. The
service for the VC is vpxd. So vpxd will tralk to hostd via vpxa.
12. What is vpxd
13. WHat is vpxa Service Console
Ans. vpxa also runs on the and talks to VC. I believe it acts as an intermediary between VC and hostd. I think it also does some housekeeping on the ESX host, but not as much as hostd. vpxa also runs on the Service Console and talks to VC. vpxa stands for Virtual
Center Agent. vpxalogging can be modified with vpxa.cfg/etc/vmware/vpxa.cfg Restart required for changes to take effect. service vmware-vpxa restart is the command to restarst the vpxa.
14. What is hostd
15. What are the ports needs to be open in order to connect a ESX to a VC
Ans. There are lot of ports needs to be open but the main port which
talks to ESX from VC is TCP 902. 27000 is the port which is used for
License server.
16. What are the log files for ESX
Ans. There are plenty log files for ESX and they can be gather using a
command called vm-support. So in order to send the log files to VMware
for further troubleshooting you need to run vm-support command and it
will generate a zip file which will contain the esx log files. Those
files are:
vmkernel - /var/log/vmkernel
vmkernel warning - /var/log/vmkwarning
vmkernel summary - /var/log/vmksummary and vmksummary.txt
Host agent logs - /var/log/vmware/hostd.log
SC log - /var/log/messages
Web Access log - /var/log/vmware/webaccess
Auth log - /var/log/secure
VC Agent - /var/log/vmware/vpx
17. How do you consolidate those log files
Ans. As mentioned earlier we need to run vm-support command to
consolidate those logs
18. How do you check what are the LUNs are available to your ESX server
Ans. You can run esxcfg-mpath -l which can show this to us. vdf -h can
also show the sizes of those LUNs. fdisk -l also can show us the sizes
of the LUNs. esxcfg-vmhbadevs can show us the available LUNs to our
19. How do you check the sizes available to those LUNs
Ans. vdf -h can also show the sizes of those LUNs. fdisk -l also canshow us the sizes of the LUNs.
20. Can you create a directory under VMFS2 file systems
Ans. VMFS2 is used by ESX Server v2.x and v3.x. While ESX Server 3.x
can read from VMFS2, it will not mount it for writing. VMFS2 is a flat
filesystem with no directory structure.
introduced directory structure in the filesystem. Older versions of ESX
Server cannot read or write VMFS3 volumes. Beginning from ESX 3 and VMFS3,
also virtual machine configuration files are stored in the VMFS
partition by default.
21. Is vpxa required to be in middle to communicate the ESX and VC
act as a intermediate between hostd and vpxd.
22. What are the prerequisites for VMOTION
Ans. A dedicated Gigabit Ethernet link. A VSwitch created and dedicated
to it. The port need to be linked to the VSwitch. A portgroup needs to
be created towards this. Also a dedicated ip and a VLAN.
23. What are the prerequisites for VC2
Ans. Enough Space on this. One databse like SQL server, Oracle or
atleast MSDE.
24. What is VMNIX ?
The console is managed by vmnix kernel.
25. What is exact file where the VM data is stored
Ans. There are lot of files stored where a VM instance stored. They are
.vmdk, .nvram, -flat.vmdk, .vmsd, .vmtx, .vmxf, vmware.log. Now from
all these files the data file is the flat file. That file also can be
opened as a regular file in VI3.
25. Can you do a VMotion when processor affinity is enabled in HA.
Ans. No. When you have the processor affinity set to a VM Instance then
you cannot do a VMtion to it. As that VM is supposed to be run on
Processor X on ESX X so it does not matter whether this is a standard box
or is in Cluster.
26. What is HA and DRS?
VMware DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduling) and
VMware HA (High Availability Options).
27. How do you take the screen shot of ESX issue and a VM Windows
Instance issue?
28. What would be the best practices in order to get your ESX up and
29. Will you be able to see the VM after creating a Template from it
Ans. No you cannot see the VM instance after you create the template
from it. Again what you can do is you can go ahead and make a instance
from that template.
30. What is Server Consolidation
Ans. Server consolidation is an approach to the efficient usage of computer server resources in order to reduce the total number of servers or server locations that an organization requires. The practice developed in response to the problem of server sprawl, a situation in which multiple, under-utilized servers take up more space and consume more resources than can be justified by their workload.
Gartner Group research study, six percent had conducted a server consolidation project, 61% were currently conducting one, and 28% were planning to do so in the immediate future.
Although consolidation can substantially increase the efficient use of server resources, it may also result in complex configurations of data, applications, and servers that can be confusing for the average user to contend with. To alleviate this problem, server virtualization may be used to mask the details of server resources from users while
optimizing resource sharing. Another approach to server consolidation is the use of blade servers to maximize the efficient use of space.
31. What are the minimum H/W requirements to install VirtualCenter Server ?
* VirtualCenter Server hardware must meet the following requirements:
Processor : 2.0GHz or higher Intel or AMD x86 processor. Processor requirements can be larger if your database server is also run on the same hardware.
Disk storage :Nearly 1GB free disk space
Networking : 10/100 Ethernet adapter minimum (Gigabit recommended).
Scalability : A VirtualCenter Server configured with the hardware minimums can support 20 concurrent clients, 50 ESX Server hosts, and over 1000 virtual machines.
A dual processor VirtualCenter Server with 3GB RAM can scale to 50 concurrent client connections, 100 ESX Server hosts, and over 2000 virtual machines
32. Which softwares are supported for Virtual Infrastructure Client ?
* The Virtual Infrastructure Client is designed for the 32 it versions of these operating systems:
o Windows 2000 Pro SP4
o Windows 2000 Server SP4
o Windows XP Pro (at any SP level)
o Windows 2003 (all releases except 64bit)